Featured Member: Andrea Bosnak

Words by: Maggie Laubscher | Music by: Abby Yemm

Image credit: Andrea Bosnak

Image credit: Andrea Bosnak

Nellie Andrea Bosnak is a multi-talented artist and hustling small business owner. Andrea specializes in hand lettering, calligraphy, illustration, and other design work. She works full-time for herself, running her own online site, and freelancing with brands such as The Nelle (!), Rye KC, Moxie Farms, Cafe Europa, Blind Box BBQ, and more. 

We had a chance to chat with Andrea about all things art and KC. Enjoy, below…

Image credit: Andrea Bosnak

I read that you are a born Midwesterner. Where are you from originally?

Well, I was born in Manhattan, KS, but mostly grew up in De Soto. It’s a small town and real cute. It’s growing more every year. My mom and step-dad still live there, as well as my little brother, so I get to spend a good amount of time there. It’s so nice to be close to my family.

What makes KC home for you?

Oh, gosh. The hospitality. The creativity. The community + support. KC is so much more than a city - I’ve been here for over 10 years, so I’ve obviously accumulated a lot of feels for KC. But I think even newcomers can feel the love and inspiration that this place has to offer. 

How did you start out in your career?

Chalks! Chalks were the thing early on that I was gunning for. Going from place to place, on my own schedule, creating pretty chalkboards just seemed super dreamy. I also followed artists like Casey Ligon, Rik Lee, and Michael Moodie -- all lettering-focused artists. It was encouraging to see others succeed in the same way that I aspired to. I started small with my work and just kept hustling. My work naturally evolved into lettering of all kinds — calligraphy, hand painted signage, graphic design and lettering-focused branding, more chalks, and even a little illustration. It has been a really lovely progression and a super fun journey. I’m really proud of how far I’ve come. 

What’s one obstacle you encountered early on in your career and how did you overcome it? 

I struggled a lot early on with the idea of perfection. My perfectionism kept me from sharing a lot of my work and was actually harmful to my business growth. I think if I had shared more work early on, whether it was perfect or not, I would’ve gained more traction much sooner. I still struggle with this, but I’m much better than I used to be. Perfection is the enemy of progress -- I did not come up with that, but damn, it is true. 


Image credit: Andrea Bosnak

Do you freelance full time? And what do you like about it? I feel like there are ups and downs to it, like anything I guess. 

I think every creative in the world will tell you that they never stop working. I’m constantly thinking of new ideas and ways to pivot and improve. The wheels truly never stop turning. It’s a blessing and a curse. I also do all of the logistical stuff, and the non-creative work is a full time job on its own. Even though all of it can be overwhelming, the flexibility of freelancing is great. Being able to decide what jobs I take versus having a superior choose for me is pretty cool. I also think I may have some control issues, so handling every aspect of my business suits me (laughs). Ultimately, the positives vastly outweigh the negatives. Every challenge is just an opportunity to learn and grow. I feel super fortunate that I can do what I love every day. 

What are you working on currently?

I have a few hand painted signage jobs in the works, but mainly I’m working on downloadable wedding invitation templates. Couples can purchase them from my website and Etsy page to edit and print themselves. It’s a really great budget-friendly option, and it’s so convenient for all the date uncertainty happening this year. 

The Nelle Hand-Lettered Logo by Andrea

Can you tell us about the piece you created for The Nelle? It’s so beautiful!

Oh, yes. The Nelle was a really fun project. I made the front door sign for you guys. On signage for glass doors, I paint the lettering on the inside of the door so it has a smoother, cleaner look. It also protects it from the weather. Because it’s on the inside, I have to paint it backwards. So, I hand draw a stencil to tape to the front of the door and then trace it from the inside with paint. After The Nelle lettering was finished, I did a gold leaf drop shadow, which turned out so rad. The gold on the edges of the white lettering pops and adds a really pretty element. I am so happy with how it turned out: sparkly + bold. We also have some lettering for above the staircase in the works. 

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Honestly, just committing to doing what I love. It’s wonderful, but I’d be lying if I said it was never difficult or scary. Continuing to pursue what lights me up has been a great challenge, but endlessly fulfilling. I’m definitely proud. 

What’s the last book you read and loved?

Recently, I read a book called Long Bright River. It’s a mystery, but not a scary one. Well-written, some suspense, and a strong sisterly bond. Also, I recently re-read Born to Run. If you’re a runner or curious why we runners love the sport, it’s a good one. 

What causes are near and dear to your heart? 

Anything involving dogs really tugs at my heartstrings. My dog is a rescue, and she’s my pride and joy. Also, any homeless or domestic violence charities will get my donations in a heartbeat. Honestly, there are so many causes that need our attention, I help wherever I can. 

Image credit: Andrea Bosnak

Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?

Hopefully my lettering business will have a few employees, and possibly a studio or storefront of some kind. I have a lot of ideas. I know the evolution of my brand could go so many different ways. I’m interested to see where it takes me, and I’m really excited for the possibility of growth in something I’m so passionate about. 

Your mantra. 

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Also - trust your gut. 

Your theme song.

Oh, gosh - anything funky. Probably something by the Isley Brothers? I could easily watch Motown Soul Train episodes nonstop and never get sick of it. 

Your spirit animal.

I never know how to answer this, but whatever it is, it’s barefoot in the summertime. Probably with a mezcal cocktail. 

How have you coped with the stresses of the pandemic?

A lot of self care - rest, at-home facials, stretching, running, getting dressed up just to make a home-cooked meal. Taking time to slow down and realize that I’m doing my best and that is absolutely good enough. Also, lots of cute snail mail to loved ones. Oh - and booze. 

Name three brands that define your personality. 

1. Catbird - tiny, delicate, gold jewelry is my jam. Catbird has barely there sparkles and minimal designs that feel luxurious. They were my first love as far as jewelry goes. I’ve been investing in their pieces for years. 

2. Glossier - Glossier is another fairly minimal brand that I love. A lot of their makeup feels light and has that no-makeup look, which fits me. 

3. Tracksmith - I am a longtime runner and have at least 10 half marathons under my belt. I LOVE the running shorts at Tracksmith. Their other pieces are also great, but the shorts really give me heart eyes.

An Abby Yemm playlist for you…

A playlist created by Abby Yemm

Disclaimer: We love having these conversations. We hope you love them as well. As a peaceful reminder, all views, opinions, statements, feelings, and vibes posted on Nelle News are solely those of the beautiful individuals involved. They might not represent any other person, agency, organization, employer, or company’s views, opinions, statements, feelings, or vibes. Nelle profiles are meant to entertain and show a real-life conversation; nothing more or less. 

maggie laubscher