Nelle Member Nicole Jacobs Silvey is a public speaker, personal coach and business consultant. In short, she is incredibly inspiring. In talking with her, you find yourself lifted up and motivated. She is passionate about empowering women, access to quality education and diversity and inclusion. With a not-for-profit background and time spent working for UMKC and Kauffman Scholars, Nicole is community-minded and a powerful connector. Her latest endeavor is Connection Coach KC, in which she connects people to their purpose and passion so they can reach their full potential. She is leading the way by example and we are proud to have her as a Nellie. Get to know Nicole below and learn her empowering version of the ABCs.

How has Kansas City’s recent growth impacted your business?

In the last year, I have doubled my client base. The increased awareness and focus on diversity and inclusion (in KC and nationally) has led to great growth for Connection Coach KC. I have had the opportunity to couple speaking engagements with coaching and consulting. It’s helped me be able to address specific areas of equity within the not-for-profit sector.  

Organizations have indicated an increased desire to take “intention to action” – both in increasing board diversity and the number of people of color in leadership roles. When looking to create systemic change, not-for-profit boards and executive directors have sought out my services. I then assist them with the recruitment and retention of candidates of color for boards of directors.

In addition, I have seen an increase in the number of professionals who are looking to build their network in authentic and intentional ways. I help individuals access opportunities by creating a network, one that engages their ABCS: allies, bosses, champions, and sponsors.  

What inspired you to start your business?

It was when I looked around many of my work settings and saw a lack of ethnic and racial diversity. When reflecting on my 20+ year career in the not-for-profit sector, I noticed the number of people of color in leadership roles was not representative of the talent in our community. This had remained pretty stagnant over the past two decades. I set out to connect candidates with board openings and also provide training to not-for-profit boards in the areas of shared power and inclusive leadership.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs who aspire to start a business in your industry?

My best advice is to identify who is doing this work – and doing it well – and learn from their example. Connecting to affinity groups, consortiums and collaboratives will help you network with other professionals. In a field like coaching, it’s vital to continue reading, studying and finetuning one’s craft. Coaching is a skill that needs to be practiced and cultivated to best meet the needs of one’s clients.

I also stress building a strong infrastructure so your processes are streamlined and will allow you more time to focus on your coaching rather than being buried in back office tasks.  Creating a strong brand is also key for any coach or consultant.

What is one tool you feel is imperative to achieving a particular goal?

What’s most imperative is an individual’s mindset. Having an abundance mindset and a willingness to risk failure is at the heart of achieving any goal. Reframing limiting beliefs about one’s potential and engaging in affirmations is the foundation for achieving your goals. The statement, “You have to believe to achieve” is so true!

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

This is a hard question to answer! My proudest accomplishment has been raising my son, Rowan, with my husband and providing a home environment that celebrates differences and praises effort and perseverance over achievement. I have watched so many of my amazing friends – my “mom mentors” – and learned from their example. We are a work in progress as parents but I am proud of who my son is growing up to be.
My proudest work accomplishment has been risk-taking in spite of fear. I have pursued big ideas even when I didn’t have all of the resources or answers. Over the last three years, I have co-founded a giving circle for African-American women (Sisters’ Circle GKC), was part of a podcast (Life in the Middle), created a partnership with Kiona Sinks to host crucial community conversations (The Roundtable) and started Connection Coach KC. Stepping out and following each of these passions has stretched me in ways I had not imagined and also been some of my greatest career moments.

Thank you, Nicole

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