On Being a Woman + a Playlist

Words by: Maggie Laubscher | Music by: Abby Yemm


In 2010, Gloria Steinem was part of a roundtable discussion on gender at Yale University. During the talk, she offered up this suggestion: ‪‘Don't think about making women fit the world‬ -- ‪think about making the world fit women.’‬ 

Isn’t that a wonderful reminder? It’s also a goal. It’s not quite where we are as a society yet. But we are working towards that. It’s part of The Nelle’s mission: to empower and unite women. To make a space that fits around us and not the other way around. And with this month being Women’s History Month — and yesterday being International Women's Day! — this is a time to highlight women's achievements and call for women's equality. 

Today and every day, we are shopping at women-owned businesses. Check out United WE’s #Unite4women pledge to support local women-owned businesses and challenge gender inequity. We just took it and the bullet points are so good: 1) Believe in and value a gender equal world; 2) Celebrate and support women's achievements; 3) Advocate for equal opportunities and increased diversity and inclusion; 4) Share with others the importance of gender equity; 5) Speak up against discrimination and harassment of women.

We are buying women-produced music, books, and films. Check out our Women in Film series and then go watch I Care a Lot. Check out our Women in Music series and then press play on this week’s mixes. Go read our Women in Books series and then shop Bliss Books & Wine for all our picks. And check out our Women in Business series to learn more about the Bliss founders and more.

We are trying to glow up women around us. Check out our profiles on artists, nonprofits, and Nellies

And we are acknowledging the challenges we all face, in hopes of helping one another overcome those challenges. In that spirit, we asked a few Nellies + our founder Lauren to answer the following question:

‘What’s a setback you have experienced as a woman, and how did you overcome it?’

Read on to hear their answers…


Nellie, Jungian pspsychotherapist, children’s book author, & The Hidden World podcast host

‘For me, being a working mother has presented a never-ending series of setbacks. The expectations placed on working mothers are wildly different than those on working fathers. The message from my job and the message from my family is clear: I am expected to be in two places at once. The way I have been able to deal with this problem is to keep addressing it as a systemic problem, and not a personal one. I don’t blame myself for this problem. Instead, I ask my husband to meet me halfway, I set boundaries with work, I tell my children the truth about this balancing act when necessary, and I ask for help when I need it.‘


Nellie, Yoga Brain yoga studio owner, author, & speaker

‘As a younger woman, I am always asked if I am in a relationship. And when the answer is, ‘No,’ the questioner almost always responds, ‘You’re pretty, you’ll find someone.’ This kind of comment assumes that a woman’s purpose is in finding a partner, rather than making strides to better herself and her community. Our culture puts too much emphasis on the relationship status of women and the social/career status for men. I’d like to see society encourage a balance between a successful partnership AND career for all sexes.‘


Nellie, Key Concepts Management founder and strategist, & Evolution CBD founder

‘As a woman in a man’s world, I’ve overcome a multitude of setbacks by embracing my divine feminine and staying true to who I am as a woman. The wombman is a powerful vessel of creation and manifesting. I find myself mostly in leadership roles next to men and leading men. And what I experience the most in these scenarios is a weird jealousy towards me for being ‘smart + woman.’ It’s never said aloud, but it’s a noticeable vibe. I don’t sweat it. And like a mother who calms her tantrum child without them knowing, I hold my position with confidence, kindness, and a strong work ethic that outshines any negatives.’


Nellie, Architect & Designer, Centric Development Director, Girl Scouts Board Member, Yoga Lover, & Travel Enthusiast

‘I worked as a sports architect for many years, and now I am Development Director for a construction company. As a woman in a completely male dominated industry, I am quite often the only woman in the room, which means I have to fight harder for my thoughts and ideas to be heard and accepted. Help from other women along the way has been absolutely critical to my growth and success, and is a solid reminder to lift others as we climb. The thought of helping to pave the way for other women and creating more equity in the workplace motivates me to work harder, to continue to learn and grow, and it encourages me to never give up.’


Nellie, Sunlighten Owner, formerly part of Procter & Gamble pharmaceuticals division

‘When I was a category manager at Procter & Gamble, I did not feel my voice was being heard consistently and my work was not shining as brightly as it could have. I proactively sought out to find an executive female mentor who became my game changer! My advice on this International Women’s Day of celebration is to secure your ‘woman’ — the woman who will be your game changer. My successful milestones are a result of listening to my female mentors.’

A Fresh Abby Yemm playlist for you…

Disclaimer: We love having these conversations. We hope you love them as well. As a peaceful reminder, all views, opinions, statements, feelings, and vibes posted on Nelle News are solely those of the beautiful individuals involved. They might not represent any other person, agency, organization, employer, or company’s views, opinions, statements, feelings, or vibes. Nelle profiles are meant to entertain and show a real-life conversation; nothing more or less. 

maggie laubscher