5 Podcasts To Help Get Your Day Started

Words by: Megan Folmsbee | Music by: Abby Yemm

Image credit: CoWomen

Image credit: CoWomen

Hi, Nellies! Meet Megan Folmsbee, our newest Nelle writer. Megan is a KC journalist with an impeccable eye and endless style inspo. She is also a hella smart writer. — Nelle HQ

You’ve heard it before, those precious minutes in between “I just woke up-where is the coffee” and “I’m headed out the door,” has the power to drastically alter the rest of the day. Figuring out how to budget time to master that Tik-Tok hair trend, or making breakfast for the kiddos, doesn’t leave room for much else. These 5 podcasts are the perfect background noise to all your morning habituals, and will have you inspired to conquer the next 24 hours and beyond. 

On Being

This podcast will have you laughing and crying. With featured poets, philosophers, artists, and creators, all interviewed by host and New York Times bestselling author, Krista Tippet- “On Being” is thought-provoking and dreamer-driven. Tippet takes on the meaning of life and love and all things introspection. Highly recommended is episode 871, a conversation on “Listening to the World” with world-renowned poet, Mary Oliver. 

Switch, Pivot or Quit 

Ahyiana Angel, businesswoman, media genius, and founder of “Switch, Pivot or Quit,” gives the best advice on up and leaving that job that isn’t treating you right! Making career transitions easier, Angel interviews badass business women and applies her own skills to episodes that help you “choose intentions over goals,” and explore “cracking corporate” normalities. Check out episode 269, an interview with Sable B, host of another career-driven podcast called “Real Brown Girls.”

The Slow Home Podcast 

First recorded in 2015 and thriving on a 5.0 rating, “The Slow Home Podcast” gives listeners a reason to take a breath and reflect. Exploring topics like meditation, permaculture, and remote learning- host Brooke McAlary interviews nomads and homemakers who are living life in slow motion- in the best way. Interested in leaving all your chaos behind? This is the morning listen for you. 

Green Dreamer 

Hosted by Kamea Chayne, “Green Dreamer” is my go-to podcast when I’m feeling like a gardening-therapy session is in order. Chayne identifies major environmental issues and the disconnection that is caused by the whirl-wind lifestyles we live in. Having expanded in the past year, Chayne incorporates the motivations you need to get up and get outside in today’s climate with meaningful conversations with recognized environmental experts. 

Call Your Girlfriend 

Last but certainly not least, is “Call Your Girlfriend,” recorded comical and realistic chats between two long-distance best friends. Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman address all those personal questions you’ve never asked. 

An Abby Yemm playlist for you…

Wake &


A playlist created by Abby Yemm

Disclaimer: We love having these conversations. We hope you love them as well. As a peaceful reminder, all views, opinions, statements, feelings, and vibes posted on Nelle News are solely those of the beautiful individuals involved. They might not represent any other person, agency, organization, employer, or company’s views, opinions, statements, feelings, or vibes. Nelle profiles are meant to entertain and show a real-life conversation; nothing more or less. 

Megan Folmsbee