Artist Profile: Jackie Nguyen of Cafe Cà Phê + a Playlist

Words and Music by: Abby Yemm

Image credit: Cafe Cà Phê

Image credit: Cafe Cà Phê

Meet Jackie Nguyen, a true force of nature, passion and creativity. KC is wildly lucky to intercept this hilarious, forward-thinking entrepreneur with a story that could very well become a bestselling memoir. Nguyen founded Cafe Cà Phê, a traveling Vietnamese coffeeshop, currently kicking ass and taking orders in the West Bottoms (in the Firebrand Collective space). We encouraged Jackie to feel free and get funky in this interview, but as you will see, yeah we really didn’t need to say a thing. Get to Cafe Cà Phê and vibe it up, Nellies!

You’re a California native and more recently, a New Yorker with Broadway shows on you resume- correct? How did you land in KC?

Correct! Born and raised in San Diego, lived in New York for over 10 years and now KCMO. HOW?! Girl. Timing, the universe, gut feeling, and a few friends. I was on the Broadway Revival Tour of Miss Saigon for a year and a half and we happened to tour through Kansas City December 2019 during Christmas for two weeks. A few of our actor friends from New York had moved here because they had family here, so we all met up and they showed us around. I fell in love with the city. The Plaza lights were just so beautiful, River Market was just so cute and quaint and at the time, I was actively looking for a place that I could launch my business. I wanted to find a city where there was a lack of Asian representation because I knew that my coffeeshop could help diversify a city. Also, it’s so damn affordable out here, it just made sense for me to start a business here as a newbie.

What charities/causes are near and dear to your heart (local and national)?

Since 2010, I’ve worked with ​Broadway Cares​, which is an organization that helps national tours pair with various charities around the country. We’ve sung at retirement homes, fed the homeless, picked up trash, etc. It’s an amazing organization that reminds actors to do more for their community.

Locally, I would say ​KC Pet Project​. I’ve explored their facilities, follow them on Instagram​/​TikTok​ and I just think what they’re doing for the city is incredible. I hope to actively volunteer there soon. I really want to do more volunteer work, especially with refugee populations and women’s shelters.

Who are some of your heroes?

Oprah and my mom.

What would you say top three things to know about Vietnamese-style coffee?

First -- it’s hella strong (almost twice the caffeine)! Second, it’s dark, nutty, and probably the most delicious you’ll ever have. Lastly, it’s incredibly prevalent in our culture. Coffee in Vietnam

and to the Vietnamese community is a lifestyle. You always have coffee after work, and you sit around for hours catching up while doing so.

What was the initial inspiration behind the traveling coffeeshop concept? Will it stay as a traveling food truck or evolve to brick-and-mortar?

To be honest, the traveling concept was because of the Rona. I originally wanted to have a brick-and-mortar but as my job in​ Miss Saigon c​ ame to a halt due to COVID-19 in March, I was actively seeking a building and a loan. It was not gonna happen. With restaurants and bars shutting down left and right, the prospect of getting a brick-and-mortar wasn’t doable.

So, I decided to make a very quick pivot to making it mobile so that I could afford to continue to open my business, and start serving coffee outside while still remaining safe. Eventually I do want a brick-and-mortar. That is the next goal. The truck will still do weekend events though, because we found out -- it’s super rad to travel! We just really want to get some roots down somewhere.

Can we please hear about your days touring with Reba McIntyre and Ashlee Simpson? What. Was that like. What did you learn?

HAHAHA! Well, being that those jobs were when I was 16 and 20, I look back at that as almost a distant memory. And yes, this was BEFORE the infamous lipsyncing SNL incident. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, you’re too young and I hate you.

I learned that dreams can come true real quick, but they also disappear just as fast. It was a super fun time in my life but went by too quickly. It was a very scary experience because I truly had no idea what I was doing - I just went with it. I was barely learning about musical theatre, dance, and performing at the time so I wasn’t really aware of how “big of a deal” it was? But overall, I think I learned that if you work super hard, like - SUPER HARD, you can definitely make some badass dreams come true.

An order for a coffee virgin would be:

At my shop: The Hella Good Latte. It’s sweet, different, fun, purple, and it’s definitely for people who want to try coffee but are intimidated by the coffee taste. You just get so overwhelmed by the deliciousness of Ube, that you don’t even taste the coffee part.

An order to impress while on a date would be:

The Electric Latte with sesame milk. Show that person you’re willing to try new things like cardamom and sesame, whilst getting pleased with yourself that the drink is damn bomb dot com and you now feel extra good inside to impress your date with confidence.

What’s your long term vision for Cafe Cà Phê?

An empire. Multiple locations, multiple cities. International. But for this year, a brick-and-mortar will do me just fine.

Where do you envision yourself in 5 years? 10?

Alive. Wise. With two chihuahuas. A good 401k and incredible financial freedom. Throw in some lasik eye surgery too.

Your mantra.

Always ask, you never know.

Your theme song.

Truly anything Whitney Houston. Probably “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” or honestly, her rendition of the national anthem (the greatest version known to man).

Cafe Cafe Phê’s theme song.

“Drop It Like It’s Hot” (Snoop Dogg).

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen recently?

Okay, I’ve been addicted to TikTok (lord help me) but there is an account about a chihuahua who is dancing to hip hop and twerking. ALL OF THE CONTENT IS GOLD. Look it up: @scottyhubs.

What advice would you give to people who don’t like to do dishes?

Do your fucking dishes. There are people out there who wished they had dirty dishes to wash, wished they had HANDS! A sink! so stop being a brat. (Sorry, Asian mom just came out but

Who is your spirit animal?

Bretman Rock and Michelle Obama. Together.

You have $5000 and 10 minutes to spend it on fun self-care style items only. What do you do?

10 minutes?! I’d like you to take me STRAIGHT to the bank for the first 5 minutes so I can direct deposit $4500 of it, then we would swing by the KFC drive through for dinner (on me of course).

The rest I’ll give to a homeless man/woman to make their day. If that isn’t self love....I don’t know what is.

Favorite KC spots, so far (restaurants, bars, shops, neighborhoods)?

Vietnam Cafe, Arizona Trading Company, Thrift World on Noland, the Trader Joes on Ward, Ruby Jeans Juicery, Sequence Climb and Thai Massage KC in Westport.

How have you coped during the stresses of the pandemic?

First and foremost: THERAPY. It has saved my life. I’ve had therapy since I was 15 and have lived with manic depression since then. Having a therapist has been crucial to my well being. Then theres: Ice cream, tacos, Costco trips, journaling and crying.

Name three brands that define your personality.

Trader Joes. Nike. Salvation Army.

Disclaimer: We love having these conversations. We hope you love them as well. As a peaceful reminder, all views, opinions, statements, feelings, and vibes posted on Nelle News are solely those of the beautiful individuals involved. They might not represent any other person, agency, organization, employer, or company’s views, opinions, statements, feelings, or vibes. Nelle profiles are meant to entertain and show a real-life conversation; nothing more or less. 

abby yemm