Nelle Yes

Why the Nelle Not?

From its inception, The Nelle has been a space for members to come together, feel supported and find inspiration in each other. It’s a place for empowered thought, inclusion and connection. We have always fostered a diverse membership in gender, industries and backgrounds.

To that end, The Nelle’s sponsorship program is ramping up. It’s already resulted in multiple new members and we have no plans to slow down. We believe that if someone wants to be part of The Nelle, then they deserve to be. We invite you to help us make that happen. Be part of helping someone else join The Nelle. Let’s keep spreading the love and lifting others up.

On Being a Sponsor

Our sponsors have given full annual memberships, as well as monthly ‘shares’. We applaud them and are always seeking to do more. Depending on the chosen sponsorship level, sponsors are gifted in an array of manners: the naming of a monthly cocktail, the monthly film screening pick, a signed brick on our entrance wall, a nameplate in a Nelle library book, a personalized sketch by a Nellie-approved local artist, a cheeky nameplate on a gym barbell, and more. Interested? Drop a note at for more info. 

We are building a community. Let’s go, Nellies. 


Nelle Memberships